Research papers
On the Manipulation of Information by Governments (with Ariel Karlinsky)
Follow the Crowd: But Who Follows, Who Counteracts, and Which Crowd? (with Inbal Dekel).
On the Workings of Tribal Politics (with Bnaya Dreyfuss and Assaf Patir).
Sex Bias in Pain Management Decisions (with Mika Guzikevits, Tom Gordon-Hecker, David Rekhtman, Shaden Salameh, Salomon Israel, David Gozal, Anat Perry, Alex Gileles-Hillel, Shoham Choshen-Hillel) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(33), e2401331121. 2024.
Trading Stocks Builds Financial Confidence and Compresses the Gender Gap (with Saumitra Jha). The Economic Journal. 2024.
Discrimination between Religious and Non-Religious Groups: Evidence from Marking High-Stakes Exams (with Victor Lavy and Edith Sand). The Economic Journal. 2022.
International Integration and Social Identity (with Boaz Abramson). Journal of International Economics. 137, 2022.
How Do We Choose Our Identity? A Revealed Preference Approach Using Food Consumption (with David Atkin and Eve Colson-Sihra). Journal of Political Economy. 129 (4), 1193-1251. 2021.
How Markets Shape Values and Political Preferences: A Field Experiment (with Yotam Margalit). American Journal of Political Science. 65(2), 473-492. 2021.
Social Identity and Economic Policy. Annual Review of Economics. Vol 12, 355-389. 2020.
Valuing Peace: The Effects of Financial Market Exposure on Votes and Political Attitudes (with Saumitra Jha). Econometrica. 87(5), 1561-1588. 2019
Conflict and the Persistence of Ethnic Bias (with Asaf Zussman). American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. 9(4):137-165, 2017.
Long Term Savings Decisions: Financial Reform, Peer Effects and Ethnicity (with Yevgeny Mugerman and Orly Sade). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 106: 235-253, 2014.
Social Identification and Ethnic Conflict (with Nicholas Sambanis). American Political Science Review, 107(2): 294-325, 2013.
Parochialism as a Central Challenge in Counterinsurgency (with Nicholas Sambanis and Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl). Science, Vol. 336 no. 6083, 805-808, 2012.
Non-Consequentialist Voting (with Alon Harel). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 81(1): 299-313, 2012.
Judicial Ingroup Bias in the Shadow of Terrorism (with Asaf Zussman). Quarterly Journal of Economics, 126(3): 1447-1484, 2011.
Social Identity and Preferences over Redistribution (with Esteban Klor). Journal of Public Economics, 94, 269-278, 2010.
A Model of Social Identity with an Application to Political Economy: Nation, Class and Redistribution. American Political Science Review 103(2), 147-174, 2009.
How Large Are Non-Budget-Constraint Effects of Prices on Demand? (with Ori Heffetz). American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 1(4), 170–99, 2009.
Follow the Crowd: But Who Follows, Who Counteracts, and Which Crowd? (with Inbal Dekel).
On the Workings of Tribal Politics (with Bnaya Dreyfuss and Assaf Patir).
Sex Bias in Pain Management Decisions (with Mika Guzikevits, Tom Gordon-Hecker, David Rekhtman, Shaden Salameh, Salomon Israel, David Gozal, Anat Perry, Alex Gileles-Hillel, Shoham Choshen-Hillel) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 121(33), e2401331121. 2024.
Trading Stocks Builds Financial Confidence and Compresses the Gender Gap (with Saumitra Jha). The Economic Journal. 2024.
Discrimination between Religious and Non-Religious Groups: Evidence from Marking High-Stakes Exams (with Victor Lavy and Edith Sand). The Economic Journal. 2022.
International Integration and Social Identity (with Boaz Abramson). Journal of International Economics. 137, 2022.
How Do We Choose Our Identity? A Revealed Preference Approach Using Food Consumption (with David Atkin and Eve Colson-Sihra). Journal of Political Economy. 129 (4), 1193-1251. 2021.
How Markets Shape Values and Political Preferences: A Field Experiment (with Yotam Margalit). American Journal of Political Science. 65(2), 473-492. 2021.
Social Identity and Economic Policy. Annual Review of Economics. Vol 12, 355-389. 2020.
Valuing Peace: The Effects of Financial Market Exposure on Votes and Political Attitudes (with Saumitra Jha). Econometrica. 87(5), 1561-1588. 2019
Conflict and the Persistence of Ethnic Bias (with Asaf Zussman). American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. 9(4):137-165, 2017.
Long Term Savings Decisions: Financial Reform, Peer Effects and Ethnicity (with Yevgeny Mugerman and Orly Sade). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 106: 235-253, 2014.
Social Identification and Ethnic Conflict (with Nicholas Sambanis). American Political Science Review, 107(2): 294-325, 2013.
Parochialism as a Central Challenge in Counterinsurgency (with Nicholas Sambanis and Jonah Schulhofer-Wohl). Science, Vol. 336 no. 6083, 805-808, 2012.
Non-Consequentialist Voting (with Alon Harel). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 81(1): 299-313, 2012.
Judicial Ingroup Bias in the Shadow of Terrorism (with Asaf Zussman). Quarterly Journal of Economics, 126(3): 1447-1484, 2011.
Social Identity and Preferences over Redistribution (with Esteban Klor). Journal of Public Economics, 94, 269-278, 2010.
- Here are the instructions used in the experiment.
A Model of Social Identity with an Application to Political Economy: Nation, Class and Redistribution. American Political Science Review 103(2), 147-174, 2009.
- Slides
- Winner of the Michael Wallerstein Award for best article published in the area of political economy in 2009.
- Here is a previous version (Shayo 2007) with a more general equilibrium concept; a more thorough discussion of the experimental evidence underlying the model of social identity; and a more detailed data appendix (note this version uses a different definition of democracy).
- Replication data and online appendix.
How Large Are Non-Budget-Constraint Effects of Prices on Demand? (with Ori Heffetz). American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 1(4), 170–99, 2009.
"Financial Market Exposure Raises Support for Peace", with Saumitra Jha, The Political Economist, 2016.
“Behavioral Economics and its Applications, Edited by Peter Diamond and Hannu Vartiainen” (book review). Economica, 76(302): 404-405. 2009.
The Critique of the Enlightenment in the Early Writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau. Politika 8, pp. 25-46, 2002 [in Hebrew].
Persistent Poverty in Israel: Results from Linked 1983 and 1995 Census Data.(with Michael Vaknin), The Economics Quarterly 47(4), pp. 597-628, 2000 [in Hebrew].
Adam Smith's Concept of the Division of Labour, The Economics Quarterly 44(3), pp. 434-459, 1997 [in Hebrew].
“Behavioral Economics and its Applications, Edited by Peter Diamond and Hannu Vartiainen” (book review). Economica, 76(302): 404-405. 2009.
The Critique of the Enlightenment in the Early Writings of Jean Jacques Rousseau. Politika 8, pp. 25-46, 2002 [in Hebrew].
Persistent Poverty in Israel: Results from Linked 1983 and 1995 Census Data.(with Michael Vaknin), The Economics Quarterly 47(4), pp. 597-628, 2000 [in Hebrew].
Adam Smith's Concept of the Division of Labour, The Economics Quarterly 44(3), pp. 434-459, 1997 [in Hebrew].